Siplast contractor installation single-ply roofing materials

Thermoplastic Single-Ply Roofing Solutions and Benefits

Siplast offers premium single-ply roofing systems with exceptional performance.

Understanding Single-Ply Roofing

Single-ply roofing consists of a single layer ("ply") of wide, flexible sheets designed for low-slope roofs. Used in commercial roofing since the 1960s, single-ply roof membranes offer a lightweight, cost-effective solution for various roofing applications. These membranes are typically composed of synthetic polymers, such as thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Advantages of Single-Ply Roofing

TPO and PVC membranes each offer its own advantages. Additionally, the polymer content within a single-ply membrane influences its mechanical properties, durability, and performance. Regardless of which type of single-ply membrane is used, overall, single-ply systems can be a reliable roofing solution for many commercial buildings.

Explore Siplast Parasolo Single-Ply Systems

Siplast Parasolo Roof Systems are best-in-class single-ply solutions that are backed by Siplast's product engineering and partnership approach. Available in PVC, KEE, and TPO technologies, Parasolo's high-performance single-ply options enable you to choose a cutting-edge cost-effective solution, without compromising on quality.

Considerations for Single-Ply Roofing

A building's location, function and other characteristics, such as roof access points, drainage, and local building codes, all play a significant role in determining which single-ply roofing system would be the best option.

Roofers installing a hybrid roof system by Siplast

Adapting to Modern Roofing Demands: Advantages of a Hybrid Roof System

A hybrid two-ply roofing system can be an ideal solution for combining the reliability and performance of a Siplast SBS-modified bitumen system with a Siplast PVC KEE fleeceback finish-ply for enhanced durability with protection against chemical exposure3 and potential savings on energy costs4. Read our white paper to learn about the hybrid two-ply roof system Siplast installed on our own SBS-modified bitumen finished goods warehouse.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I consider regarding the durability of single-ply roof membranes?

Single-ply roof membranes serve as the primary protective layer for the roof. While they are designed for durability, heavy foot traffic or activities on the roof can wear on the surface over time. If your roof is expected to experience heavy foot traffic or other intensive use, you may want to consider a multi-ply system. In these systems, the primary roof protection lies beneath a finished surface ply, offering enhanced durability for high-traffic areas.


Can you walk on a single-ply roof membrane?

Yes, single-ply roof systems can be walked on. However, depending on the type and volume of foot traffic, a single-ply roof can be supplemented with further protection, such as using a thicker 80-mil membrane or walkway protection pads. If the roof system is expected to get routine or frequent traffic, then a multi-ply SBS-modified bitumen roof system may be a more suitable solution.


What is the difference between fleece-back and smooth membranes?

Most single-ply membranes come with one of two types of surface backings - smooth or fleeceback. While fleeceback membranes can provide enhanced durability, they also have certain installation restrictions. Ensure you are choosing the right membrane surfacing type for your application. If you have questions contact a Siplast representative to be connected to Design Services.


What is the typical warranty or guarantee duration for single-ply roofs?

A single-ply roofing system may be covered under a manufacturer's warranty or guarantee for anywhere from 15-35 years, depending upon the thickness of the membrane and the method of attachment5.

Rolling out single-ply membrane

ASTM D6754 Standard and Polymer Content Analysis in Single-Ply Roof Membranes

This paper will provide an in-depth analysis of ASTM D6754 and its requirements for polymer content in KEE formulated single-ply roof membranes. It explores the methods employed in polymer content determination and the importance of polymer content and other compounds in membrane performance.