Terapro PUR Coatings
Siplast Terapro PUR Deck Coatings consist of polyurethane and polyurea base coats and top coats providing a protective/waterproof coating for concrete surfaces in parking decks and for surfaces outside of trafficable areas, such as balconies.
- Provides protection against abrasion and chemical exposure1
- Ideal for low temperature applications
- No noxious odors
- Excellent thermal stability
- Eligible for USGBC LEED, EQ Credit 4.2: Low-emitting VOC Compliant Materials2
- Vehicular parking decks
- Pedestrian decks
- Balconies
About Terapro PUR Coatings Solutions
Siplast Terapro PUR coatings are comprised of polyurethane and polyurea base coats and top coats, which are liquid, synthetic polymers that form a protective barrier when applied to surfaces. These durable chemistries can help protect surfaces against wear from light to medium vehicular and pedestrian traffic, adhere to many types of surfaces and materials, and are backed by Siplast’s history, partnership, and stringent quality control.
2 For more information, visit USGBC.org to see LEED credit eligibility requirements.
Terapro PUR 2200
A two component hand-applied elastomeric polyurea base coat used as a protective/waterproof coating for interior and exterior concrete, wood, and metal surfaces. It is fast-setting and curing, which allows for applications in temperatures below 40°F.
Terapro PUR 3200
A two-component hand-applied hybrid aliphatic elastomeric polyurea topcoat, used as a protective/waterproof coating for interior and exterior concrete, wood, and metal surfaces. May also be used as a joint filler.
2 For more information, visit USGBC.org to see LEED credit eligibility requirements.
Substrate Preparation
Provide clean, dry, and sound concrete substrate. Concrete should be allowed to fully cure or a PH-resistant and moisture vapor reducing primer will be required. Prepare concrete surfaces in accordance with SSPCSP13/NACE No. 6 and achieve a Concrete Surface Profile of at least 3, measured using ICRI CSP Chips.After surface preparation and prior to application, test surface tensile strength of prepared concrete surfaces in accordance with ASTM D7234 and/or ASTM C1583. Minimum surface tensile strength shall be 300 psi. Refer to SSPC-SP13/NACE No. 6, Section 6, Table 2 for additional information.
For metal surfaces, provide clean, dry, and sound metal substrate. Prepare metal surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP10/NACE No. 2 and achieve a 4-6 mil blast profile, measured using a Surface Profile Gauge.
For all surfaces, grinding is only permitted in areas that are inaccessible to standard abrasive blast equipment.
Care should be taken when applying over substrates containing trapped moisture and/or where moisture vapor drive is present (i.e., metal pan decks, split slab membranes, etc.). Refer to Installation Guide for substrate treatment prior to placement of any coatings. Excess moisture vapor in concrete slabs may cause polyurea coating to delaminate, discolor, and/or cure improperly.
Refer to Installation Guide for application instructions.Storage and Handling
Shelf life is one (1) year from the date of manufacture in original, unopened, factory-sealed containers under specified storage conditions. Shipping and storage temperature is 65°F to 90°F at (or below) 50% Relative Humidity. Avoid freezing temperatures. Do not store containers directly on ground. Always store on pallets or otherwise elevated.Do not open containers until ready to use. Partially filled containers should be purged of air using nitrogen blanketing and sealed tightly when not in use.
Siplast Terapro PUR 2210 is packaged in a 3-gallon kit: Part A: 1 gallon and Part B: 2 gallons.Siplast Terapro PUR 2220 is packaged in a 3-gallon kit: Part A: 1 gallon and Part B: 2 gallons.